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星期一, 三月 26, 2007






星期五, 三月 23, 2007

unless a kernel of wheat
falls to the ground and dies,
it remains a single seed.
but if it dies,
it produces many seeds.

am i dying to myself continually each and every day?

星期四, 三月 22, 2007


就这样,我和社会语言学的讲师、修辞学、语用学的讲师、structure of sounds and words的讲师一起上了一堂课。

Many have asked me why i am leaving but surely you understand if i do not, in such a public place, refer to the systemic aberrations underlying my working milieu? Neither should i refer to those who have debased themselves and thereby transformed into perfect cogs in this increasingly heartless monstrosity that is passed off well as an education system.

met him in nus on monday. surprise surprise. tho i don't have the slightest hint what he's doing currently, and why he's in nus. has he finished his phd?

retrieved the above italics from my first blog.

i was reminded of the reason why i chose media.

星期三, 三月 21, 2007


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shyan. christine, shuyi.

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yizhong, 偶~!,edwin.

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偶 + shuyi.

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偶 + shyan.

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是云。云 好美好美哦。每次仰望着天空的云,都会意识到自己的渺小以及神之伟大。神,每天拿着水彩笔,用瞭望无际的天空来提醒世人自己的存在。

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ah_rui + huanyan = 装酷。

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macho jersey.

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每人得用coloured blu-tac做出一个模型来代表我。
christine -- 彩虹
yizhong -- 小岛
shuyi -- 小狗+小鸟
yi-shyan -- 连身裙
ceyang -- 女生的脸


是……海豚。dolphin. 不只你,就连我,横看、竖看、上看、下看,都不觉得它像只海豚。哈。不好意思啦。
Of stuff i've wanted to post for quite some time, but didn't due to the 2 tests i had past weeks, and procrastinated till i thought i should just not post it. until...

Of district242 two weeks ago.

Three things that struck me...

1. i'm surprised at how real the leaders are. they're not afraid to talk about the issues the leadership face, and they're not afraid to 摊开来谈。

2. i'm challenged to serve more. told christine + qiaoping. feel like i've always been very comfortable just doing the things my leaders ask me to. if they don't ask me to do anything, then i just don't. it's been so long since i last did something that made my heart race, that i felt that if God doesn't help me i'll die. sigh. i want a breakthrough!

3. i'm encouraged to initiate more. many a times, ideas come to my mind about improving cgs, or starting new stuff. sometimes i mention them to the people around me, but ultimately, nothing's implemented. wenjiang talked about taking ownership to do things to see changes. i wanna be more responsible with these ideas God's entrusted to me, and to be more proactive to spur one another on towards love + good deeds.

hence, bible study session. had the first session last fri. really hope to be able to continue it.

Of today's sub-district.
1. to take initiative to sow. it's so easy, to live day by day, week by week, meeting deadlines, going cg/service, waiting for a sign. to wait for the divine signal by the careleader that says, "Let's sow this week." but evangelism is more than that. it's lifestyle. i need to learn this. to take more initiative. easier said than done, haha.

2. what can i contribute to this ministry? wrote some stuff down. i only have one year left. pray God will use me, in whatever ways possible.

there's always this sense of mixed feelings within me. isit just me? my pride, my insistence, my failure to look at the bigger picture.





嗯…… 我在想……你知道我在想什么吗?哈哈。


星期二, 三月 20, 2007

i got to type this in English. you'll know why.

during microbes, environment and man lecture today, the lecturer showed us a video.

of microbes. specifically, of parasites. h.u.m.a.n p.a.r.a.s.i.t.e.s. .

so i saw live testimonies of people who were once infected by parasites, namely pork/beef tapeworm, maggot, leech, hair/skin lice, and various worms that could possibly live in/on our body. Eew.

there's this guy who VOLUNTEERED (God knows why) to comsume a beef tapeworm cyst, which will gradually grow into an adult tapeworm in his gut. then when it's 10 weeks old, he took an anti-worm pill which forced the worm out his anus. it measured more that THREE METRES LONG.

disgusting images aside, there were many word puns in the videos. which are simply hilarious.
this woman, who had a maggot barrow into her skull, was commented to have to "go back to the clinic with the maggot, very much still in her mind".
that guy who comsumed the tapeworm cyst said, "i thought i would have a gut feeling if the worm's growing in me".

"i went to the bathroom this morning, and there was Micky"
"i saw it crawl out of my nose, take a look at the surroundings, and then retract back"

星期日, 三月 18, 2007

好有成就感哦!终于将telephone surveying做完了。简直可称为个煎熬!啊~!也将《小孩不笨2》里的修辞手法通通找出来了。

真得谈一谈关于做telephone surveying的过程。每人得做4个surveys。 为了这区区4个surveys, 我打给了44个号码。整整十一倍耶!被骂啦,被挂电话啦,统统都有。真是越做越烦。终于,做完了。感谢主!




星期五, 三月 16, 2007

If you leave a comment on this post:
1. I'll respond with something random about you
2. I'll challenge you to try something
3. I'll pick a color that I associate with you
4. I'll tell you something I like about you
5. I'll tell you my first/clearest memory of you
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of
7. I'll ask you something I've always wanted to ask you
8. If I do this for you, you must post this [post] on your blog

huanyan posted this on his blog. i commented, he replied, and hence. =) unlike him, i seriously doubt any response cuz i've never been assured of any readership. haha.


星期二, 三月 13, 2007


my type of birthday. a wet wet one. =)




first wish. for the nus group to regain our spiritual vibrancy. for more initiatives and progress towards our ideal church.

second wish. for God to reveal to me what is my life mission. to be able to see beyond university, and into the working world. what do i want to do for God?


星期一, 三月 12, 2007

got quite alot of stuff on my mind that i've been wanting to blog about. but i got no time~! heh.

this song's been stuck in my head ever since i heard gary sing it. so. presenting... gary singing 新不了情~!! woot~! + bonus track 我要快乐。 =)

everytime i hear gary sing live, i can't help but feel proud that i'm a gary fan. =D

标签: ,

星期二, 三月 06, 2007

It's chaw-time. =D

Have been busy studying for a test ytd. Have refrained from uploading and blogging about gary. In an attempt to help myself focus on the imminent test. wahha.

So. gary~! =D

星期六之K Union.

第一次见曹格。超兴奋的。但。选错位了啦!因为gfc准备了些演出,而gary是坐在歌迷当中看表演的。但偶坐在旁边啦。*嘟嘴* 没拍到什么。因gfc members是不可以拍照的。怕影响到节目。所以就没拍了。但还是很开心能见到gary。觉得live的他,是最自然、最酷、最迷人的。他那双眼睛啊。电力超强的。觉得整个节目太短了。太多约束了。可能因得赶去七点的签唱会吧。

星期日之j8 top of the 8.

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想了一会儿。到底该上载哪些影片。决定将我所拍到的都上载了。哈哈。曹格唱现场的功力是不在话下的。简直就像听唱片。唱歌时他超即兴。《三七二十一》时,他摆出了他喜爱的李小龙的pose。《superman》时,他给大家看他的裤子,说,“你们看我的裤子好特别好低哦。我穿两件。”哈哈。“没看到我的,听到我的声音的,我在楼上!..我在ok楼!三楼!” 《世界唯一的你》最后大家一起唱了最后的“愿意”,而gary就说,“好啦,我嫁给你。” 挖哈哈。



发生了件趣事。gary总是说自己是sunshine boy,阳光男孩。但偏偏签唱会时下雨了。我们(gfc)从台下大声喊道:“Sunshine Boy, it's raining!”哈哈。他的回答:“可是你们没淋到雨啊!”这算什么答复啊?!之后他还说我们背叛了他,还用此介绍《背叛》这首歌。啊~!



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感谢shi ru。是她在人群中当gary走过时拍的。=)





星期六, 三月 03, 2007

Gary had a mini concert at NTU today!

but i wasn't there.

*gasps!* why?


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a gathering with some long-time-no-see convenanted frens.
failed attempt to try take a group pic. missed out eelee and half of junhuang.
pardon my huge face. haha.

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er. daniel's half moldy mandarin orange. Eeewwww~!

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DJW~! =Debbie+Jessie+Wynnie. -_-"

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DJW+Eelee~! =D

=) Enjoy catching up with long-time-no-see frens. And listen to how junhuang handles the indian, bangladeshi, sabah foreign workers. haha. Loads of thanks to daniel for availing his house for today! whee~! thanks!!
