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星期二, 八月 28, 2007

i have many pictures to upload and stuff to blog about but i cant.
and i was on my way to school when i remembered the lecturer had cancelled the lecture.

i got tagged by shyan.

Rules: Each player of the game starts off by writing 6 weird things about themselves before choosing another 6 of their friends to "sabo". People who get tagged needs to write in a blog on their own, 6 weird things about themselves and state the rules clearly.

1. I'm born with single eyelids. But about every once a week i'll get double eyelids on my left eye. It makes my eye look bigger, but i end up with 大小眼. 0.o

2. I write 90 degrees anti-clockwise. Meaning, when i write, i tilt my paper 90 degrees anti-clockwise.

3. I have weird dress sense, fullstop.

4. For some strange unknown reasons, my lower jaw is aligned in front of my upper jaw. But other than that, my set of teeth is perfectly straight.

5. I can't cycle, I can't blade, I can't swim.

6. I stopped growing since sec 1. I was 166 then, I'm still 166 now.

okay, i thought of one more weird thing about me. Every time i cross the road, i would think that it's only my spirit that has crossed the road. My physical body is lying in my pool of blood after being hit by a car. Like in dramas where you die and your spirit leaves your body kind. So everytime after i crossed a road, i'll turn back to double-check that i'm not dead.
---end of update---

I took a long long time to come up with this list. Maybe i'm not so weird afterall. I just sent my laptop for servicing. Hope it'll come back to me soon.

If you get tagged, don't bother doing this if you don't wish to.
dxx. edwin. huanyan. jesline. yizhong. zz.

星期四, 八月 23, 2007

you cannot imagine how excited i am over my new pencil tin.
it's like a primary school kid who just got a new set of colour pencils from the school bookshop.

or a fat boy grinning over a plate of chicken chop.

tml's visual comms lessons.
i've packed into my new pencil tin---
two pencils with different hardness.
a kneadable easer.
peach mints.
amongst other regulars.

i miss drawing so much.
i'll be smiling to sleep tonight.

星期三, 八月 22, 2007

Yay. I can finally blog about this!

蘇打綠 今年夏天特別綠新加坡演唱會'07
okay. the concert name super long. the longer the better liddat.

Woo. Went for the concert a couple of weeks ago, and have been waiting for mypaper to upload their photos so i can kope and blog.

Here are some behind the scenes photos. 幕後花絮!

主唱+團長: 青峰 and his dress sense. Which i can appreciate. Maybe because my dress sense is weird too. Notice his mismatched pair of converse. I like lah! 

鼓手: 小威. Notice his hat. Got style,有個性.話說是新加坡歌迷送的.

福底褲!Guess who it belongs to?!

木吉他手: 阿福 啦!哇哈哈哈哈哈.表情是超好笑的啦!

電吉他手: 家凱.帥就是帥.隨隨便便和隨便一條項鍊拍照還是那麼帥.誰受得了~?!

I got nothing to say. 無言以對.

Finally! 登場啦~!

Believe or not, 這是本小姐我第一次去看演唱會.Serious! 而且這次能去看蘇打綠其實是托 wenjuan 然後再托 meiyun 的福.有免費的票當然不會獨享,和 sia, dxx + deslyn 一起去.

青峰+阿龔很喜歡跑下台來 所謂互動.


覺得這次的演唱會蠻成功的,雖然是有挺多空位的,BUT, sodagreen 的現場表現真的很棒,讓大家都聽到 high 翻了.我自己是聽到有輕飄飄的感覺.哈哈哈哈哈.真的,尤其是當青峰翻唱鄧麗君和陳綺貞的歌時.喔~

RP auditorium's stage spotlights 是的 lor!

"sodagreen" 亮板, 好看hor. 我也要個"gary"亮板.

i like this photo. qingfeng and qingfeng.

This is 阿龔, a Masters student, educated in violin and piano. 一副有文化修養樣.


He starts to DANCE! 自編的一套莫名其妙的舞蹈. =.=
會從 keyboard 那邊跳到舞台中央然後再跳回去.超搞笑又無可奈何.

And xiaowei here looks like he's scolding the photographer.



哎唷~ 好懷念當天的演唱會喔!

星期二, 八月 21, 2007

the men around me.

It's a sudden yet retarded realisation that quite some men around me are heading towards a bright future. Bright like the scorching sun and my laptop screen.

Like my dear brother.
Graduated from nyp. Enlisted into ns. Read up about investments and alot more. Saved the money he earned in ns. Got out from ns. Found a stable good-paying job. Now, he's studying part-time in a private uni.

Makes me wonder, what am i doing piling up my debts in uni?

Like malaysian ho.
Debater ho. Coached sji hockey to the semis. Written papers and stuff during his ns days. Toured europe after ord. Going durham university in uk to study law. Talks of practising law in uk or in singapore.

I want to be rich and intelligent.

Like fabien.
Just came back from shanghai. Going uk to study accounting and i-forgot-what. Aspires to be a millionaire and retire by the ripe old age of 35.

I don't want money enough.
I hope he remembers me when he's 35.

Lastly, like andre.
Saw him today in yih. No longer that chubby-huggilicious-teddy-bear no more. Proved once again the power of NS by losing weight amounting to a whole of me. Doing law in nus. Couldn't even recognise him.

I guess i don't have to lose weight.
But hey, it's about a staying fit and healthy. Way to go andre.

星期一, 八月 20, 2007

Carl's Jr. Special ieatishootipost Promotion.

From Monday till Wednesday, you can get a "$2 off your combo meal" coupon at Carl's Jr. at Suntec City.

All you need to do is say, "I read ieat-ishoot-ipost: Never waste your calories on yucky food!" and get three $2 coupons that are valid till the end of this year.

And drop by ieatishootipost for more foodie updates!

星期六, 八月 18, 2007

The World's Strangest Laws
And just to highlight a few.

In Victoria Australia it is forbidden to wear pink hot pants after mid-day on a Sunday.

It England, it is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament.

In France, it is forbidden to call a pig Napoleon.

In Ohio, it is against state law to get a fish drunk.

Royal Navy ships that enter the Port of London must provide a barrel of rum to the Constable of the Tower of London.

In the UK, a pregnant woman can legally relieve herself anywhere she wants – even, if she so requests, in a policeman’s helmet.

In Indonesia, the penalty for masturbation is decapitation.

In San Salvador, drunk drivers can be punished by death before a firing squad.

In the UK, a man who feels compelled to urinate in public can do so only if he aims for his rear wheel and keeps his right hand on his vehicle.

In Florida, unmarried women who parachute on Sundays can be jailed.

In Kentucky, it is illegal to carry a concealed weapon more than six-feet long.
(Six-feet is as long as my tall cousin)

In the city of York, it is legal to murder a Scotsman within the ancient city walls, but only if he is carrying a bow and arrow.

In Vermont, women must obtain written permission from their husbands to wear false teeth.

In Bahrain, a male doctor may legally examine a woman’s genitals but is forbidden from looking directly at them during the examination; he may only see their reflection in a mirror.

The head of any dead whale found on the British coast is legally the property of the King; the tail, on the other hand, belongs to the Queen - in case she needs the bones for her corset.

In Eureka, Nevada, USA, it is still illegal for men with moustaches to kiss women.

In Alexandria, Minnesota, USA, it is still illegal for a man who has garlic, onions or sardines on his breath to have sex with his wife.

In Logan County, Colorado, USA, it is still illegal to kiss a woman while she is asleep.

In Providence, Rhode Island, USA, it is still illegal for shop owners to sell toothpaste and toothbrushes to the same customer on a Sunday.

In St. Louis, Missouri, USA, it is still illegal for firemen to rescue women who are still in their nightdresses.

In Ames, Iowa, USA, it is still illegal for men to have three sips of beer while they are in bed with their wives.

In Oklahoma, USA, it is still illegal to make faces at a dog, a crime that could result in a prison sentence.

In Texas, USA, criminals are still required to give their victims at least 24 hours oral or written notice giving details of the crime they are about to commit.

In Baltimore, Maryland, USA, it is still an offence to take a lion into a cinema.

In Oxford, Ohio, USA, it is still illegal for a woman to undress in front of a picture of a man.

In Miami, Florida, USA, it is still illegal for anyone to imitate an animal.

In Afghanistan the Taliban militia banned women from wearing white socks just in case men find them attractive. The police are also ordered windows to be painted black to stop women being seen from the outside.

In the USA impotence is grounds for divorce in 24 states.

In Iowa, USA, it is against the law to kiss for more than five minutes.

In Kentucky, USA, it is illegal to carry and ice cream cone in your pocket.

In Louisiana, USA, if you bite someone with your own teeth it is classed as 'Simple assault' but if you bite someone with your dentures it is classed as 'aggravated assault.'

In Lebanon any man may legally have sex with any animal just as long as it is a female.

In Oblong, Illinois, it is illegal to make love while fishing or hunting on your wedding day.

In Willowdale, Oregon, USA, no man may curse while having sex with his wife.

In Kingsville, Texas, USA, it is against the law for pigs to have sex on airport property.

In Florida it is illegal to have sex with a porcupine.

During World War I anyone found to be a homosexual in the French army was executed.

Hundreds of years ago in Japan anyone who attempted to leave the country was instantly executed.

Chewing gum is illegal in Singapore. *cheers*

In Bangladesh it is against the law for schoolchildren to cheat at school exams. Pupils as young as 15 can be imprisoned for this.

Donald Duck comics were once banned in Finland because he never wore pants.

In Indiana, USA, during the 1950's, all Robin Hood films were banned because authorities thought that robbing the rich to give to the poor was an act of communism.

In Basle, Switzerland, in 1471, a cockerel was found guilty in a court of law for laying an egg "In defiance of natural law". The bird was then burnt at the stake as a "Devil in disguise".

In Stelvio, Italy, in 1519, a court issued a warrant for the arrest of a gang of moles that had severely damaged crops. The moles were sumoned to court but when they failed to appear they were sentenced to exile.

In South Bend, Indiana, USA, a monkey was once found guilty of smoking a cigarette.

In Turkey, during the 16th and 17th centuries, it was illegal to drink coffee and anyone caught doing so was sentenced to death.

In Singapore it is illegal for a person to walk around the house naked and not flushing the toilet. Also a person can be executed if they are found in possession of more than 200g of cannabis resin. Oral sex is banned unless it is used only during foreplay and if a person is caught littering the streets he is forced to make an appearance on TV with a bib around his neck saying "I'm a litterer."

In Thailand it is illegal to step on a banknote, leave your house without wearing underwear and if you drop a piece of bubblegum on the pavement you can be fined $600.

In Switzerland it is against the law for men to urinate standing up after 10pm which is the same time that it is illegal to flush the toilet.

In London, England, wife beating is legal just as long as it is not after 9pm and it doesn't disturb the neighbours.

In Minnesota, USA, it is still against the law to hang male and female underwear together on the same washing line.

In England, in 1837, a law was passed that entitled a woman to bite off a man's nose if he kissed her against her will!

In California, USA, in 1986, Judge Samuel King became so annoyed that jurors were absent from his court because of heavy rain that he issued a decree which stated "I hereby order that it cease raining by Tuesday."
Amazingly it stopped raining on Tuesday and California suffered a 5 year drought.
In 1991 the judge then decreed "Rain shall fall in California beginning February 27th." Later that day California had the heaviest rainfall in ten years.

Our little red dot appeared twice. Happy National Day.
Finally gotten down to writing a review for 881.

Yes, it is Royston Tan. I've admired him since then and then.
Okay now, movie first, then music.

Synopsis (Like anyone reads this):

Two Singaporean girls join together to form the Papaya Sisters, a getai group that sings at performances during the seventh lunar month. Big Papaya is estranged from her mother, who disapproves of her performances, whilst Little Papaya is an orphan who suffers from terminal cancer. The two are assisted by Auntie Ling and her son, Guan Yin.

Although they live to sing, the duo's act lacks 'feel', and they turn to Auntie Ling's sister, the goddess of getai for help. She provides them with the required 'feel', but on the condition that they accept a set of rules, which includes staying chaste.

With their new-found singing ability, the two soon rise to the top of the Singaporean getai scene singing traditional Hokkien songs, but their fame brings along with it the enmity of the Durian Sisters, a rival group of techno-singing Eurasian girls. Their rivalry soon culminates in a showdown at a getai show, where the girls pull off their most amazing performance yet. However, time has run out for Little Papaya, who succumbs to her illness and passes away after the competition.


My first impression of this movie when i first saw this trailer was "What the #*$% is Royston doing such a getai movie?" I mean, my impression of Royston has always been english-speaking and not at all associated with getai. I can literally imagine him laughing his head off when he first conceived the idea of making a getai movie. And true enough, it did start off as a joke.

However, after having thought about it further, i realise it is, afterall, something Royston would've done. Royston is heavy on visuals, as seen in Cut, and Hock Hiap Leong. And getai is an industry that's heavy on costumes and lightings too.

Crude humor. The blind man and his beloved cock.

It being as a tribute to the late "King of Hokkien Pop" 陈金浪, the plot revolves around the passion for getai, the notion of sickness and death, and the not wanting to leave the getai industry.

This movie is heavy on hokkien and has a simple plot. Perhaps because of the target audience being the older generation and those who enjoy getais. Then again, this has always been in line with Royston's style -- films that are heavy on visuals tend towards a simple plot (like Cut and Hock), and films that have sub-plots and sub-sub-plots tend to be simple in staging (like 430 and Sons).

Koped this from Royston's blog.
Royston slimmed down an awful lot and it makes his head look big.

Heavy on visuals is probably an understatement. A whooping S$100,000 was spent on the costumes alone. And throughout the movie, the papaya sisters changed about 20 sets of costumes, i think.

Behold, May and Choy, as the Durian sisters.

I was particularly amused by May and Choy, casting as the Durian sisters, rivals of the Papaya sisters. Yes, the names of getai groups are laughing points in themselves. And the twins' horribly inaccurate Chinese pronunciation never fail to tickle me throughout the movie.

Unfortunately, the movie did not move me as much as to tear. Personally, i look for good plots and sub-plots and sub-sub-plots for that matter. Also, i don't know hokkien, much less it be my heart language. Had to catch up with reading the subtitles.

Let's see, what else is there to add on?
Oh yes, Liu Lingling is simply brilliant. She's a veteran in getai singing, and if your memory doesn't fail you, you'd remember her acting as the coffeeshop auntie in I Not Stupid Too. And Qi Yu Wu's character remains a mystery to me. I cannot figure what how exactly does he feel towards the sisters, and why is he portrayed as an idiot (using the chicken to wipe small papaya's tears) when he is only mute?

Okay, let's move on to the music part.
This is a mighty long review. Lucky fella you Royston Tan.

It being a movie highlighting the getai industry in Singapore, how can it do without good music? Indeed, 881 features many hokkien songs vocalised by experienced getai singers. At the same time it experiments with the mixing of Chinese and Hokkien songs.

THE song of the movie, 一人一半, by 伍家辉.

After watching the movie, this song just stays in your head. Playing and replaying over and over again. The more you chew on the lyrics, the more real the song gets. It eats into you.

詞(改编):小寒 曲:伍家輝

一人一半 感情不散
一人一素故 感情才會久
時光累計 安靜的淚滴
一心去追 愛那么可貴

這樣的人 這樣地等
為愛翻滾 不計傷痕

這樣的人 別笑我蠢
傻傻的 心痛也不覺疼
就算天冷 就算殘忍

一人一半 感情不散
已經找到愛 為何要離開
已經找到愛 為何先離開

Okay, i regret not taking photo with 伍家輝. Btw, his live singing sounds exactly like his recorded voice. 實力派 aye.


Last song to recommend for today.
Notice similar starting scenes as above song.

《身外物》黃星魁, better known as ngak.

For one, i think he's cute.
For two, he gives me zero impression that he even knows chinese at all, much less to sing it. I can imagine him laughing his head off when asked to sing chinese songs.
For three, he gives me the impression that he smokes and i don't think much of singers who smokes.
For four, i love this song and how he delievered it. Cool.

On hindsight, i would've prefered a photo with either Wu or Ngak. But, you know, life is, yunno.

But heh, we're all together again aren't we? Lol.

All in all, 881 is one show that gets better and better the more you ponder over it, as with all other ah-roy films.

My verdict: 8/10
That's all!

星期五, 八月 17, 2007

Finished reading the play Our Town by Thornton Wilder at one go.

It's so chillingly real i was left pondering and depressed. Indeed, it is not just about Gover's Corners, it is about our town, the one you and i live in.

Good-by, Good-by, world. Good-by, Grover's Corners... Mama and Papa. Good-by to clocks ticking... and Mama's sunflowers. And food and coffee. And new-ironed dresses and hot baths... and sleeping and waking up. Oh, earth, you're too wonderful for anybody to realize you. -------------Emily Webb, Our Town.

The stage is bare. There is no scenery.
In a way, it's simplistic. Yet, it would be injustice to dismiss it as a simple play. It is so deep it hurts. Maybe that's why it has to be brought forth in such a 'simple' way. Sceneries often distract us, gives us a facade of how beautiful nature and the things around us are. But it is when everything is laid bare before your eyes, it's then when human nature and the cold hard truth of life sets in.

星期三, 八月 15, 2007

Okay. This is something i might do for my kids' bento in the future. lol.

a really short one. i'm tired.

I'm starting to feel the stress now. Not stress as in that there are many deadlines to meet or assignments to rush. But stress as in the sense of inadequacy and incompetence as compared to the mass of people around you who will be your classmates for the next 5 months.

After 2 years of adjusting to chinese, now it's ENGLISH. What's more, ENGLISH LITERATURE. I have no background in literature, not at all, not even in secondary school because my first ever literature teacher was a scarecrow personified.

I've chosen this course of study. This is what i wanna do. All i can do now is to gear myself up and study twice as hard as compared to my peers.
(Jesse remember how God brought you through three level 3000 chinese modules last semester. God is faithful!)

Today was my literature class, tml's my english level 300 class. WOOSH!

Oh. And i saw my cousin in class today. Yea, that person with the same weird surname as me turns out to be indeed my cousin.

Told you this would be really short.

星期一, 八月 13, 2007

this is my #210 post on this blog.
this is officially my longest blog ever. =)

Today's my first day of school. Yippee!
Arts Canteen! Yippeeee!

See, the newly renovated arts canteen now has two levels and is clean and well-lit.

Gasps! YONG TAU FOO!! *mad rush*


Step 1: Get past the QUEUE.
I guess the eight long months of abstinence from this simple delicacy has left all our taste buds longing. The queue is so #@&%*! long but everyone just 心甘情愿地排队. This is what i term as the Arts Canteen Legend.

After waiting for about 45 mins, i finally got my bowl of yongie. *slurps*

Yong tau foo is a simple dish. Found in practically EVERY foodcourt and canteen. Why is this one so special? I truly appreciated this simple little dish during its absence. I tried yongie at engine canteen, and then i ate it no more.

Many people go for laksa yong tau foo, which i did too before i discovered a better way of eating yongie. Now, i would order yongie soup, with guotiao-mian. The soup base is clear, fresh and very 清香. Then add a spoonful of chilli which they provide for the dry yongie. The result is addiction. Try it! It's really spicy though, so not everyone will love it, but i do!

WARNING: The above procedure is not to be repeated with ordinary yongie, ONLY yongie at NUS arts canteen. (I tried it several times elsewhere, and the result is utterly disappointing.)

星期日, 八月 12, 2007

パパとムスメの7日間, Papa to Musume no Nanokakan
aka Seven Days of a Daddy and a Daughter

This is the title of the drama that i want to recommend today. It is currently airing in Japan, with the last episode due today. Japanese dramas tend to be shorter, so there are only 7 episodes in this drama.

The story goes that Kyoichiro (the Daddy) and Koume (the daughter) hasn't been talking to each other for a long long time. The dad longs to talk to his daughter, yet don't know how to approach her. He works in a cosmetics company but his presence isn't appreciated. Koume, on the other hand, is a high school girl with a crush on Kenta-senpai, her senior in school.

One day, they were taking the train back together after visiting Grandma, and the train met some technical difficulties. By some msyterious force, they switched bodies. Afterwhich, they had no choice but to swap lives, pretending to be each other at work and at school.

Koume insists on helping her dad to bathe, because she doesn't want her dad to see her naked body.

Although switching bodies isn't an original idea anymore, what's unique about this drama is that this time round, the switch is between a dad and a daughter.

The dad learns that studying for exams isn't that easy afterall, and is forced to go on dates with his daughter's crush.

The daughter learns of the practicalities of the working world, and faces the pursuit of a beautiful young subordinate, threatening her parents' marriage.

What's most hilarious in this drama is him acting like a high school girl. Dancing around in the room, inner thighs and acting cute.

"Koume" and Kenta-senpai.

This drama is hilarious and full of surprises. At the same time, it touches on family ties as the dad and daughter draw much closer together and start to understand each other. A very meaningful drama. Go watch go watch go watch!!

星期六, 八月 11, 2007

a short post before i head out.

Mum ordered this for dinner some days back.

The cheesy bites fondue pizza...!!!!! My heart silently jumped for joy when she told me this. But i managed to pretend like it's nothing much. Just a pizza yunno.

The 5 Steps to a Better Pizza.
Step 1: Pluck the cheesy bite part out.
Step 2: Dip cheesy bite part into warm thick cheese fondue.
Step 3: Twist a little.
Step 4: Send it straight into your mouth.
Step 5: Savour. Melt. Dissolve.

I love cheese. If you do too, you gotta try this for yourself!

Dim sum buffet at Teahouse, China Square with Yizhong & co. We have been talking about this ever since forever ago, and finally, we're here!

I can eat har gao and har gao only for forever. There's a considerably wide variety of food available for buffet, including dimsum, staple food and desserts. The buffet's only 2 hours long, and we KO-ed after barely an hour. But i dare say we've eaten our money's worth.

Yi-shyan managed to convince herself that she needs a diet after battling it out with a weighing machine. Thus, no buffet for her, only a la carte. Nonetheless, she's satisfied with her xiaolongbao.

Group photo. Notice the tall stack of har gao in the middle. HAR GAO~!!

Dim sum buffet again? Contact me at 1900-DIM-SUMS. Har gao forever.