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星期二, 十一月 14, 2006



星期六, 十一月 11, 2006

it's the little things around us that make up life.

just as the oceans are made up of drops of water. Was on my way home ytd when I saw 2 snails kissing. Lol. So i squatted down and observed them for a while. Found it quite interesting. Yunno how slow snails move, i wonder what's the possibility of them meeting another snail, and furthermore, a snail that attracts them. Then again, all snails look the same to me. Nonetheless, i reckon it's quite hard for them to meet. Then again, because they move so slowly, they cant run away too. Guess it's because they move so slowly that their kissing and caressing seemed even more intimate. So interesting.

If i'm a snail, i'll never leave the snail i love, for fear of losing it.

I realised something. Yunno how in cartoons, mangas, sci-fi movies and stuff along this line, they always seemed to have logics of their own. Like if person A is supposedly killed by a demon and esp if he's the lead actor, the priest would appear to say sth like because A was killed on a night with full moon at the X hour, the demon was not able to fully kill A, and hence by performing a Y ritual, they'll be able to summon the spirit of A back. i'm just so tickled when their 'logic' is so illogical.

i wonder if i can still trust them.


星期三, 十一月 01, 2006

翻译初级课时,老师问大家该如何翻译电影名称“A Bug's Life”。原来,翻译也需考虑到那国家、文化、语言背景等。所以。。。


Yuta 帮我翻译了我的中文名字(希)。我的日文名是のぞみ(Nozomi)。和 tsuji nozomi 一样!!!娃哈哈哈!呜沙嘎呜沙嘎呜~
