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星期三, 八月 22, 2007

Yay. I can finally blog about this!

蘇打綠 今年夏天特別綠新加坡演唱會'07
okay. the concert name super long. the longer the better liddat.

Woo. Went for the concert a couple of weeks ago, and have been waiting for mypaper to upload their photos so i can kope and blog.

Here are some behind the scenes photos. 幕後花絮!

主唱+團長: 青峰 and his dress sense. Which i can appreciate. Maybe because my dress sense is weird too. Notice his mismatched pair of converse. I like lah! 

鼓手: 小威. Notice his hat. Got style,有個性.話說是新加坡歌迷送的.

福底褲!Guess who it belongs to?!

木吉他手: 阿福 啦!哇哈哈哈哈哈.表情是超好笑的啦!

電吉他手: 家凱.帥就是帥.隨隨便便和隨便一條項鍊拍照還是那麼帥.誰受得了~?!

I got nothing to say. 無言以對.

Finally! 登場啦~!

Believe or not, 這是本小姐我第一次去看演唱會.Serious! 而且這次能去看蘇打綠其實是托 wenjuan 然後再托 meiyun 的福.有免費的票當然不會獨享,和 sia, dxx + deslyn 一起去.

青峰+阿龔很喜歡跑下台來 所謂互動.


覺得這次的演唱會蠻成功的,雖然是有挺多空位的,BUT, sodagreen 的現場表現真的很棒,讓大家都聽到 high 翻了.我自己是聽到有輕飄飄的感覺.哈哈哈哈哈.真的,尤其是當青峰翻唱鄧麗君和陳綺貞的歌時.喔~

RP auditorium's stage spotlights 是的 lor!

"sodagreen" 亮板, 好看hor. 我也要個"gary"亮板.

i like this photo. qingfeng and qingfeng.

This is 阿龔, a Masters student, educated in violin and piano. 一副有文化修養樣.


He starts to DANCE! 自編的一套莫名其妙的舞蹈. =.=
會從 keyboard 那邊跳到舞台中央然後再跳回去.超搞笑又無可奈何.

And xiaowei here looks like he's scolding the photographer.



哎唷~ 好懷念當天的演唱會喔!

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